The Naval Power provides exclusivity with planning for achievement of naval and naval assets for the period 2011/2031
With the development of the National Defense Strategy (NRS), the Navy of Brazil (MB) has been instructed to inform the Ministry of Defence with the means to fulfill their duties satisfactorily in the END. Besides informing the necessary means to MB would need to inform such means as it was seeking and what would be the liaison with the national industry. Thus emerged the Plan of Organization and Equipment of the Navy of Brazil - PAEMB (former PEAMB).
The numbers contained in PAEMB are desirable, however, numbers are very difficult to achieve in coming decades. For this reason, in late 2010, the Navy of Brazil established a plan for obtaining naval and aircraft for the period 2011/2031.
In planning under PAEMB, Brazil's navy will deploy in the North / Northeast a Second Fleet, however, the period between 2011 and 2031 that should not occur.
PA2 design of the proposed French Marine Nationale. The Navy of Brazil plans to build an aircraft carrier with similar configuration to replace the NAe
Of the two planned aircraft carriers in PAEMB, MB should start building the first unit in 2015, and its incorporation will occur in 2025, replacing the aircraft carrier St. Paul . This ship will travel between 50,000 and 60,000 tons. Apparatus will arrest two for landing and takeoff of aircraft to catapults. A second unit may be constructed from 2031.
The MB has already hired eight units of the C-1 Trader for COD missions / AAR. These units must be delivered from 2012. Currently, MB is finalizing the acquisition of four S-2G Tracker that will be transformed into AEW aircraft. A second batch of four S-2G should be hired later this decade.
Two years after the Air Force (FAB) which will decide his fighter / attack, the MB will hire 24 units of the same model to operate in the future aircraft carrier.
A second and a third batch of four Sea Hawk helicopters should be hired until 2031. Of the 16 Super Cougar to be delivered, will be exclusive to transport 8 and 8 will be used on attack missions, armed with missiles PM-39 Block 2.
The class "Mistral" French is a strong candidate for the multi-purpose vessels pursued by the Navy of Brazil
Of the four multipurpose vessels (NPM) provided for in PAEMB, The first two are starting to be obtained from 2012. The first unit will be built in 2020 and second in 2024. These means will shift between 20,000 and 25,000 tonnes. Will be equipped with dock and replace all Dock Landing Ships (NDD) and Landing Ship Car Combat (NDCC) in operation today.
Of the 30 PAEMB escorts provided for in the May 1, with 6,000 tons displacement, must be contracted until 2013. The first unit will begin to be built a year after signing the contract and will take six years to complete. This initial batch will be able antissubmarino, and antiaircraft antissuperfície point will be designated as escorts for general use (EG). In the second batch of five units is planned to have four area defense capability with missiles of medium and long range. 10 / 1 The escorts must be incorporated until 2031.
Of the 12 Ocean Patrol ships (NPaOc) of 1,800 tonnes in the PAEMB, the first 4 are yet to be announced in 2011 and construction should begin in 2012. The first unit to be incorporated in 2015. The others every two years. A second batch of four ships should also be contracted and built before 2031.
Of the 46 patrol vessels of Class "Macaé" (500t) provided for in PAEMB, two have already been constructed, four are under construction. A second batch of six units must be hired by 2015. A third lot, also of 6 units should be hired in the 20s. , Totalizing 18 units by 2031.
Of the 15 submarines of diesel-electric propulsion (S-BR) provided for in PAEMB, four have already been hired. The first is already under construction in France. These will be incorporated in 2017, 2018, 2020 and 2021. In 2021, the first submarine class "Tupi" is disembodied. A second batch of four S-BR will be hired to go replacing the submarines of Class "Tupi" and "Tikuna. Thus, one can conclude that the MB intends, starting at 2020, always keep proculsão eight submarines in diesel-electric operation.
Of the six nuclear submarines (NS BR) provided for in PAEMB. The first-SN BR has already been hired and should be incorporated in 2025. Depending on the evaluation of this medium, from 2030 new units can be hired, or else a new class of enhanced nuclear submarines could be developed.
5 of logistic support vessels (NApLog) provided for in PAEMB the first to be hired by 2012, and was incorporated in 2015. Two more units must be contracted until 2031. These resources will offset 22,000 tonnes and will be capable of supplying fuel at sea, including aviation, lubricants, ammunition, water and foodstuffs.
These are the main programs that are developed by MB in the period 2011/2031. The completion of these depends on the budgets provided by successive governments to come.
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